Most Imp General Knowledge Questions Computer

    1. Who is known as father of computer ?
    Answer: Charles Babbage

    2. Who is the father of World Wide Web ?
    Answer: Tim Berners Lee

    3. Who invented Computer Mouse ?
    Answer: Douglas Carl Engelbart

    4. Who is the founder of Hotmail ?
    Answer: Sabeer Bhatia

    5. Which day is observed as Computer Literacy Day ?
    Answer: December 2

    6. Which company introduced mouse as an input device ?
    Answer: Apple corporation

    7. Which is the first Personal computer ?
    Answer: The Altair

    8. A group of 4 bits is called as ?
    Answer: Nibble

    9. Where is first Techno park in India situated ?
    Answer: Trivandrum (Kerala)

    10. India's first private Internet Service Provider ?
    Answer: Satyam Infoway Ltd

    11. Who wrote the autobiography 'Passage from Life of a Philosopher' ?
    Answer: Charles Babbage

    https://today-e-learners.blogspot.com/2018/11/general-knowledge-questions.html https://today-e-learners.blogspot.com/2018/10/today-e-general-knowledge.html